Hello! 👋

I’m Laura Lai, a writer, content creator, and wedding celebrant in Dubai, U.A.E.

During my career as a writer and editor, I’ve profiled criminally underrated restaurants in the desert, made friends with outrageously handsome restaurateurs and reality TV stars, penned a couple of mild hissy fits on the negative perception of Dubai. Oh, and I’ve eaten a lot.

In other lives, I’ve been known to dive into sunken cities, ride record-breaking zip lines, and make foolish attempts at camping inside Ski Dubai on camera, among other things.

And just for fun, I’ve been chatting to my favourite restaurant owners, chefs and critics about their favourite restaurants in the city, in a series I’ve called “Very Best of Dubai”. Check them out on my Instagram page – they’re a hoot.

Oh, and just because I absolutely bloody love weddings, I’m also a certified wedding celebrant in Dubai, which is quite possibly the best gig ever, and I still can’t believe that I get to do it for a living. Learn more about that, right here.

So, whether you’d like to commission me for a writing project, reckon you should be featured on “Very Best of Dubai,” fancy having me marry you, or you just want to say hi, feel free to get in touch with me at laura@bylauralai.com.

Thanks for stopping by.